select employee_id,

first_name || ''|| last_name names,

decode(round((sysdate- hire_date)/365),5,'5년근속',10,'10년근속',round((sysdate - hire_date)/365)) work_years

from employees

order by employee_id;



select round((sysdate - hire_date)/365) as round

from employees;


select decode(manager_id, 108,'dlfrhdvkf',manager_id) as id

from employees ;


select employee_id, first_name, last_name

from employees

where employee_id = decode(:emp, null, employee_id, : emp)

and first_name = decode(:names , null, first_name, : names);




select country_id, case region_id when 1 then 'one'

when 2 then 'two'

when 3 then 'three'

else 'etc' end as case_region_id

from countries;



select department_id, department_name

from departments

where (department_id, manager_id )in (select department_id, employee_id

from employees

where manager_id is null);



select count(*)

from employees

where department_id in (select department_id

from departments

where manager_id is not null);


select count(*)

from employees emp

where exists (select 1

from departments dep where dep.manager_id is not null

and emp.department_id = dep.department_id);




select emp.first_name ||' '|| emp.last_name as emp_names

, emp.department_id

,(select dep.department_name

from departments dep where dep.department_id = emp.department_id )as dep_name

from employees emp;


select a.employee_id ,a.first_name || '' || a.last_name as names, a.salary,

round(b.avgs), b.maxs

from employees a,

(select avg(salary) avgs,

max (salary) maxs

from employees) b

where a.salary between b.avgs and b.maxs

order by a.salary desc;


select *

from (select employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary

from employees

order by salary desc)

where rownum <11;

Posted by MR 손